About Me

Welcome to Velo22

Velo22 is a cycling community tool for Teton County. Here, you will find a central location for cycling events, routes, and more.

I moved to Jackson in the Fall of 2020. The more and more I immersed myself in the cycling community here, the more I realized that there was a lack of “togetherness”. Even while working full time in a bike shop, I still found myself missing happenings in the cycling community, which made me feel like there is a real need for a central location for all the local cycling events in the valley. Thus, Velo22. Here, you can find an events list and up-to-date calendar so that you never miss a beat. My focus for this website is community oriented, so if you see something that we have missed, such as a local weekly group ride, or gravel event nearby, please submit this event and I will get it up as soon as I can! Have a route that you want to share with the world? You can submit that as well on the routes page! Thanks for stopping by.

Ryan Kurtz

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